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USA KINO invented a world's first method for measuring SFE using triple drops of liquid by one click

Number of hits:16907    Release time:2020-08-25 00:00:00

USA KINO developed a system to measure surface free energy based on acid base method by measuring three contact angles for triple drops one time. And this technology keeps USA KINO in leading position in the surface chemistry instrument.

Measurement of two contact angle values of two drops using one camera is easy but as we know, most popular method for measuring surface free energy of solid is Lifshitz Van der Waals/ acid base and equation of state method by A.W.Neumann. And we need three drops to calculate surface free energy by acid base method. And, for this case, we need a wide field of view (FOV). Fortunately, We got it. 

And by method of ROI, we can seperate one image with three drops of liquid ( at same time, three values of contact angle) to three regions and calculate contact angles for three drops at one time.

And yes, we can use this system to measure contact angle of two liquid at one time, and calculate surface free energy for solid real-time.

New software and system will start to sale in May, 2015. 

Captured screeb image with double drops method. -  You need to update camera and lens to enhance the FOV to realize measuring SFE based on three liquids.

contact angle meter with double drop liquid

Captured screeb image with triple drops method. -  You need to update camera and lens to enhance the FOV to realize measuring SFE based on three liquids.

contact angle meter to measure SFE by triple drops method

Original image of three drops for measuring Surface Free Energy based on Acid Base method at once and one time



contact angle meter

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