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Brochure: Full-automatic Dynamic & Static Optical Contact Angle Meter / Interface Tensiometer SL200C

Number of hits:14203    Release time:2013-02-22


contact angle measurement instrument model SL200C, full-automatic Interface Chemical Analysis System based on drop shape analysis with 6-axis mechanical movement controlled by software, excellent designed mechanics and professional interface chemical analytical software

contact angle measurement instrument model SL200C, with 6-axis mechanical movement controlled by software, is the combination of excellent designed mechanics and professional interface chemical analytical software, which is the product of our long-term research on drop shape analysis. Precision dosing (may down to picoliter size), drop transferring and roll off angle control (0.001?) can be easily conducted by software to avoid vibrate of drop, unsteady of advancing/receding contact angle and others. Thus, SL200C can be applicable to measure static/dynamic contact angle, surface free energy of solid and its distribution (dispersive force, polar force and hydrogen bond force, etc.), Interface tension of liquid-gas / liquid-liquid as well as interface viscidity & elasticity of liquids (oscillating and expanding drop), etc. We provide clients cost-effective instruments with best performance-the most professional contact angle meters & interface tensiometers and technical assurance in R&D and quality control.

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MainPro : contact angle,contact angle meter,contact angle goniometer,surface tension,surface tensiometer

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