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surface tensiometer model A601 for measurement of surface tension or interfacial tension

Number of hits:15767    Release time:2020-08-25 00:00:00

Surface tensiometer model A601 is a weight-based interface chemical analytical system for measurement of surface tension, interfacial tension or contact angle. As an example, we measured water under temperature about 10℃. Result is about 74.22mN/m. And we measured a sample with viscosity. USA KINO's innovative 3rd generation Wilhelmy Plate method used Young-Laplace equation correction (correctinn contact angle and buoyancy), in which method plate needn't be immersed and withdrawn in measuring process (such method is called zero buoyance method, and wide used in meter made by other's).It can be used for measurement of dynamic & static surface / interface tension, especially for viscous sample, which enriches measurement technologies of interface chemistry. visit to find more information about USA KINO's surface tensiometer and contact angle meter.



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